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Satria Muda Petik Kemenangan di Kandang Garuda

Satria Muda Petik Kemenangan di Kandang Garuda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG - Klub Satria Muda (SM) meraih kemenangan tipis 50-46 di tengah tekanan ribuan suporter Garuda Speedy Bandung, Sabtu (10/12), saat laga pembuka Liga Basket Nasional (NBL) 2011/2012. Pelatih SM,...

Johar Arif 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/olahraga/basket/11/12/10/lvzs6c-satria-muda-petik-kemenangan-di-kandang-garuda
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Nunun Tertangkap, Marzuki Alie Beri Apresiasi

Nunun Tertangkap, Marzuki Alie Beri Apresiasi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Ketua DPR RI, Marzuki Alie mengapresiasi keberhasilan penegak hukum menangkap Nunun Nurbaeti di Thailand. Ia juga berharap kasus lain,terutama pelaku korupsi keuangan negara yang masih berada...

Johar Arif 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/hukum/11/12/10/lvzrml-nunun-tertangkap-marzuki-alie-beri-apresiasi
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pijanvijan 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://debuk.com/Gaya-Hidup/CARA-ALAMI-OBATI-DARAH-RENDAH
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Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet adi

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet adi

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet
Mengambil latar belakang Universitas Sungkyunkwan, pada masa ketika kaum wanita tidak boleh mendapatkan pendidikan atau bekerja. Seorang wanita muda cantik bernama Kim Yoon-hee (Park Min-young) harus menyamar sebagai adik lelakinya, Kim Yoon-shik yang sakit-sakitan agar bisa bekerja untuk menghidupi keluarganya.

pijanvijan 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://debuk.com/Olahraga/Cara-Mempercepat-Koneksi-Internet-adi
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Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet erkadang anda menunggu lama untuk buka situs yang anda kunjungi dan pada saat blogwalking ke forum-forum untuk mencari masalah tersebut dan akhirnya ketemu juga tipsnya, kali ini saya akan memberikan beberapa tips cara mempercepat koneksi internet, untuk mengatasi masalah koneksi internet tersebut coba anda ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.

pijanvijan 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://debuk.com/Olahraga/Cara-Mempercepat-Koneksi-Internet-7
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Cara Cepat dan Alami Mengobati Maag

Cara Cepat dan Alami Mengobati Maag

Cukup Sms Format pemesanan seperti berikut : ketik

OTG : Jumlah pesanan : Nama Lengkap : Alamat Lengkap : No Telepon dan Hand PHone

dan kirim ke Hp. 082.118.687.395 barang langsung kami kirim

pijanvijan 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://debuk.com/Gaya-Hidup/Cara-Cepat-dan-Alami-Mengobati-Maag
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Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet oke

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet oke

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Akankah rahasia Kim Yoon-hee terbongkar? Lalu bagaimana dengan ketiga sahabatnya khususnya Lee Sun-joon ketika akhirnya mengetahui siapa sebenarnya Kim Yoon-shik alias Kim Yoon-hee? Saksikanlah terus drama Korea bertajuk Sungkyunkwan Scandal di layar Indosiar setiap Senin-Jumat, pukul 16.30 WIB, mulai 28 November 2011. Selamat menyaksikan.(indosiar.com/Fachri)

pijanvijan 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://debuk.com/Politik/Cara-Mempercepat-Koneksi-Internet-oke
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Umat Muslim Klaten Gelar Shalat Gerhana Bulan

Umat Muslim Klaten Gelar Shalat Gerhana Bulan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KLATEN Sebagian umat Muslim di Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah, menggelar shalat gerhana bulan pada Sabtu malam untuk mengingat kebesaran Allah SWT. Di Kecamatan Delanggu, Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah setempat...

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/dunia-islam/islam-nusantara/11/12/10/lvzrey-umat-muslim-klaten-gelar-shalat-gerhana-bulan
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Bukan Cuma Pejabat, PNS Pun Perlu Laporkan Harta Kekayanan

Bukan Cuma Pejabat, PNS Pun Perlu Laporkan Harta Kekayanan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Anggota Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum, Mas Achmad Santosa, menyatakan para PNS muda semestinya melaporkan Laporan Hasil Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN). Saat ini PNS muda memang tidak...

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/umum/11/12/10/lvzqy8-bukan-cuma-pejabat-pns-pun-perlu-laporkan-harta-kekayanan
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Gadis Cilik Aussie Ingin 'Say Hello' Sama Presiden SBY

Gadis Cilik Aussie Ingin 'Say Hello' Sama Presiden SBY

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Bali dan turis adalah dua kata yang tidak bisa dipisahkan karena Pulau Dewata memiliki daya tarik tinggi bagi kalangan domestik maupun mancanegara. Tidak aneh bila cukup...

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/umum/11/12/10/lvzr88-gadis-cilik-aussie-ingin-say-hello-sama-presiden-sby
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Abah Alwi dkk Menengok Trusmi, Lokasi Keindahan Batik Tulis Cirebon Berpusat

Abah Alwi dkk Menengok Trusmi, Lokasi Keindahan Batik Tulis Cirebon Berpusat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREBON - Puas mengenal lebih dekat sejarah Keraton Kasepuhan, rombongan Melancong Bareng Abah Alwi segera melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Sentra Batik Trusmi, Cirebon. Di kawasan ini, penggiat batik Cirebon,...

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/regional/nusantara/11/12/10/lvzqsz-abah-alwi-dkk-menengok-trusmi-lokasi-keindahan-batik-tulis-cirebon-berpusat
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Office of Karmapa Lama issues statement in response to charges by Indian police

Office of Karmapa Lama issues statement in response to charges by Indian police

Office of Karmapa Lama issues statement in response to charges by Indian police The office of the Karmapa Lama has issued an official statement in response to charges by the Indian police that he was taking foreign money and acting as a spy for China: [ more › ]

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Kenneth Tan 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://feeds.gothamistllc.com/click.phdo?i=8b6c6ff19cdaa067595fa5043f8b4bb0
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US ambassador Gary Locke highlights Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia, Gao Zhisheng and Chen Guangcheng in Human Rights Day message

US ambassador Gary Locke highlights Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia, Gao Zhisheng and Chen Guangcheng in Human Rights Day message

US ambassador Gary Locke highlights Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia, Gao Zhisheng and Chen Guangcheng in Human Rights Day message There is much work to be done by all governments to fully live up to the principles that all persons are created free and equal in dignity and rights. Today, I urge the People’s Republic of China to uphold its commitments to the Universal Declaration. Earlier, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a speech in Geneva marking Human Rights Day, challenged leaders of the world to “be on the right side of history” and to recognise that "gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights". [ more › ]

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Kenneth Tan 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://feeds.gothamistllc.com/click.phdo?i=9d97b5d08e179ddcf354f322f3fea7d2
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Nunun Nurbaeti Tertangkap ini dia kronologi penangkapan Nunun. Dapatkan info terbaru Nunun Nurbaeti Tertangkap. Sumber: NUNUN NURBAETI TERTANGKAP - Kronologi Penangkapan Nunun

rizazoel 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://debuk.com/Politik/NUNUN-NURBAETI-TERTANGKAP
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Sunshine and Scuba

Sunshine and Scuba

After a splendid evening39s meal accompanied by a cheeky Morrocan Shiraz went very well with the Kofti Tagine beef meatballs to you and me I was up with the lark or whatever the Omani equivalent is and breakfast was taken at 830. Today is Friday and therefore the Holy day and you could feel a very different more reverential atmosphere about the hotel.The sun was back with a vengeance an

10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.travelblog.org/Middle-East/Oman/Muscat/Muttrah/blog-670682.html
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Goodbye Friend

Goodbye Friend

Week 7 is over and I cant believe there is only 1 more week of 2011 Derbylife. It was always going to be a sad week my good good friends Bec and Caitlyn left Derby on Tuesday. Their 1 yr Kimberly adventure was over and although I know there will be more friends next year these girls were pretty special. We had jetty drinks and a proper family dinner on Tuesday night. Then they did the l

10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.travelblog.org/Oceania/Australia/Western-Australia/Derby/blog-670736.html
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A busy autumn in Shanghai

A busy autumn in Shanghai

Good evening dear readers I am writing to you from a very chilly Shanghai where we have seen temperatures drop to below freezing for the past few days. Apparently they are going back up to about 11 degrees tomorrow so we are not really sure whether we are coming or going We have been shopping today for our snow clothes as we are preparing to head for the north of China during our Christmas br

10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.travelblog.org/Asia/China/Shanghai/Pudong/blog-670734.html
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Chengdu a do a do

Chengdu a do a do

For sleeping on a couch we surprisingly slept pretty good. Tris laying with his feet toward me and me laying with my feet toward him we shared a blanket. We met up with Sonya Henrys girlfriend for lunch and enjoyed a spicy soup concoction with rice. She went back to school while Henry took us to a Chinese pet store. There was every animal you could imagine. Sting rays fish guinea pigs ra

10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.travelblog.org/Asia/China/Sichuan/blog-670733.html
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I want to buy a Panda

I want to buy a Panda

Though we were up late we still managed to get up at 7am to go catch the bus to the Panda Research Centre. We missed the first bus by 5 minutes and ended up having to wait an hour and a half for the next one. The bus stop was a stop for bus 902 the bus we needed and bus 904. While standing there probably 10 904 buses went by before the 902 that we needed came. You can imagine how frustrated Tris

10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.travelblog.org/Asia/China/Sichuan/Chengdu/blog-670737.html
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Suicidal donkey

Suicidal donkey

I woke early the following morning to an enormous clap of thunder followed by an almighty down pour of rather large hail stones. My dreams of watching sunrise on the beach were washed away within seconds. The lake is surrounded by 5000m mountains so the probability of a storm over the lake is very high. We sat watching out the window whilst the lightening and thunder cracked simultaneously.The po

10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.travelblog.org/South-America/Bolivia/La-Paz-Department/Isla-del-Sol/blog-670738.html
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Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Game PC)

Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Game PC)

Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Game PC) Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (abbreviated to PES 2012 and known officially as World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2012 in Asia)

rizazoel 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://debuk.com/Hiburan/Download-Pro-Evolution-Soccer-2012-Game-PC
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Kuasa Hukum Nunun: Jangan Kecewa Kalau Klien Saya Lupa Ingatan dan tak Beri Keterangan

Kuasa Hukum Nunun: Jangan Kecewa Kalau Klien Saya Lupa Ingatan dan tak Beri Keterangan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Kubu tersangka kasus cek pelawat Nunun Nurbaeti meminta Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) untuk tidak memaksakan Nunun untuk memberikan keterangan. Pasalnya, Nunun hingga saat ini masih mengalami...

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/hukum/11/12/10/lvzpun-kuasa-hukum-nunun-jangan-kecewa-kalau-klien-saya-lupa-ingatan-dan-tak-beri-keterangan
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Penetapan Wa Ode Nurhayati Sebagai Tersangka Mengejutkan?

Penetapan Wa Ode Nurhayati Sebagai Tersangka Mengejutkan?

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Ketua DPP Partai Demokrat, Sutan Bhatoegana mengaku terkejut dengan ditetapkannya Wa Ode sebagai salah satu tersangka korupsi anggaran Dana Percepatan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Daerah (DPPID) tahun 2011....

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/hukum/11/12/10/lvzqfa-penetapan-wa-ode-nurhayati-sebagai-tersangka-mengejutkan
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Nunun Tiba di KPK dengan Wajah Tertutup

Nunun Tiba di KPK dengan Wajah Tertutup

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Nunun Nurbaeti, tersangka kasus dugaan korupsi cek pelawat pada pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior BI, yang tertangkap di Bangkok, Thailand, tiba di KPK Sabtu (10/12) malam. Ia...

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/hukum/11/12/10/lvzpxm-nunun-tiba-di-kpk-dengan-wajah-tertutup
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Tertangkapnya Nunun Dinilai Kejutan dari KPK

Tertangkapnya Nunun Dinilai Kejutan dari KPK

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Tertangkapnya Nunun Nurbaeti saat berada di Thailand, menurut Ketua DPP partai Demokrat, Sutan Bhatoegana mendandakan KPK tidak main-main dalam bekerja. Penangkapan ini menurutnya sebagai 'kejutan' untuk...

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/umum/11/12/10/lvzq1d-tertangkapnya-nunun-dinilai-kejutan-dari-kpk
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Holiday stress? 10 Ways to relax and enjoy the season

Holiday stress? 10 Ways to relax and enjoy the season

The holiday season brings joy and happiness to millions of Americans each year. However, with that joy often comes the stress and pressure of meeting the obligations and expectations of family, friends and work, which can take the joy out of the happiest time of the year. Before you accept holiday stress as the norm, here are 10 stress-causing pitfalls -- and their solutions -- to help your holiday season be a relaxing one.

Happy woman planning for Christmas

Don’t overextend yourself

Holiday pitfall: The demands of the holiday season are different from other times of the year. For example, you may be required to attend family and work holiday parties that involve late nights and a feeling that you have to network until the wee hours of the morning.
Stress-less solution: It's important to plan ahead. Get a sense of how many functions you have to attend and try to prioritize those that are the most important. Making  sure to schedule a lighter day after a big event is important, as it will allow you to recover without having to push yourself into exhaustion.

It really is the thought that counts

Holiday pitfall: The pressure to purchase "the perfect gift" for your boyfriend, husband and/or friends turn into a big stress point.

Stress-less solution: A gift is something that you give to someone you care about as a token of your feelings, not as an object that has a direct monetary connection to how much you care or don’t care for them. Try to be thoughtful but not obsessive. The joy of receiving a gift should come from the thought that someone was thinking about you  when they purchased the item, not that they spent four paychecks on it.

Follow a budget

Holiday pitfall: Financial concerns often become more evident during this time of the year as you try to balance travel, gifts and entertaining on top of what may be an already stretched budget.

Stress-less solution: Make sure to set a budget for your holiday shopping and stay within it! It can be very inviting to buy that one extra present or take that holiday you’ve always wanted, but make sure that you can afford it both in the  short- and long-term. Planning is key to making sure that your holiday  dollars stretch far enough, without piling up big debts.

Avoid social networking loneliness

Holiday pitfall: With Facebook, it's easy to find out what parties and events are happening -- including ones you may not have been invited to. Feelings of loneliness or being "left out" can often lead to more stress during this holiday season.

Stress-less solution: It's normal to compare yourself to others but try not to focus too much on  what you see. Facebook and other social networking sites can sometimes increase feelings of isolation or jealousy. If you find yourself too focused on what you are seeing, make the conscious choice not to look at those  sites until after the holidays and focus on the events you are attending, as well as a more relaxed holiday schedule.

Drink responsibly

Holiday pitfall: With the holiday cocktail party comes the holiday cocktail -- or three. Handling the fallout of one too many drinks at a party can be stressful and anxiety-provoking.

Stress-less solution: At Bridges to Recovery, we often hear of our clients using alcohol and/or  other substances to help them navigate stressful parties or events. It is normal to feel nervous in a social situation, but drinking too much can lead to very negative consequences both professionally and  personally. Instead, make an effort to set goals about how many new people you will meet or how many friends you will speak to before you order your first drink; and set a limit on the number of drinks you will have at any given event, so you stay responsible and safe for the holiday season.

Be proactive with a new beau

Holiday pitfall: Navigating the stress of deciding whether you should invite your new "friend" to your family holiday party.

Stress-less solution: New relationships are fun but they are also filled with lots of stress, especially because of all the questions that have not been asked. It's a perfect time to ask your new friend if he would be comfortable coming to the party and if so, how should you introduce him. Be prepared for him to say that he is not ready yet -- and that's OK! If so, make a special plan with him for another night.

Give yourself plenty of time when traveling

Holiday pitfall: Holiday travel -- about as stressful as it can get.
Stress-less solution: Travel in general has become more stressful in the United States, and holiday travel always seems to ratchet up the pressure. Give yourself lots of time to get where you need to go and bring activities for the little ones. Pacing the activities by the hour often helps pass the time and try to allow yourself some quiet time by listening to music or reading a book for just a few minutes to help recharge your battery during the flight.

Abbreviate but don’t eliminate exercise

Holiday pitfall: Exercise routines and typical self-care activities such as going to your favorite yoga class or going for a long walk in the neighborhood may be too difficult to fit into your busy holiday schedule.

Stress-less solution: Make sure to take time for yourself wherever your travels may take you. Even 20 minutes a day can help you recharge and relax so that your stress levels will drop. It may also be a great time to try out a new class or gym in your area to invigorate your exercise routine and help you stay  fit and relaxed during the holidays. And don't forget that exercise also helps combat those extra calories that you may be enjoying during the holiday season.

Put your differences aside for holiday sake

Holiday pitfall: Navigating family "issues" often becomes a stressful experience, especially if you must attend events that mean you will spend time with estranged family members.

Stress-less solution: In those situations, follow this mantra:  Keep it civil and simple. Christmas morning around the tree is probably not the time to bring up old disagreements with a long-lost uncle. Try to be respectful of others’ boundaries and if you find yourself ready to get into a fight, it’s time to say  goodnight.

Practice your communication skills

Holiday pitfall: Long-simmering disagreements about holiday rituals, vacations and allocation of resources among couples and families become more stressful during this period.

Stress-less solution: The holidays are a great time to open up lines of dialogue with your friends and partners about their ideas and wishes for the holiday season. Try to be an active listener with them and ask them to be the same. Perhaps the best gift of all is becoming closer to those around you and  learning how to lean on them when you feel the pressure and stress of the holidays become too much -- and be there for them as well!

Tell us

What is your biggest holiday stressor? Share in the comments below.

More holiday stress management tips

4 Ways to cope with holiday stress
Our best tips for stress-free holiday travel
5 Stress less tips for the holidays

10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness/articles/849375/holiday-stress-10-ways-to-relax-and-enjoy-the-season
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How to stay healthy on a budget in the new year

How to stay healthy on a budget in the new year

Those $125 doctor visits can add up during the cold and flu season -- and any time of the year when you just don't feel your best. Your health is largely due to lifestyle -- namely, diet and exercise habits -- but that doesn't mean you have to go broke buying organic foods and fancy gym memberships. Certified holistic health practitioner Carolyn Harrington says it's easy to stay healthy on a budget. She shares five easy and economical ways to adopt a healthy lifestyle in the new year.

Woman at farmer's market

Make healthy living a New Year's resolution

If your usual New Year's resolutions to never eat sugar again or go to kickboxing class every day leave you discouraged and ready to give up on your goals this coming year, Harrington has a new perspective on healthy living for you. Instead of having too-high expectations for yourself, think more practically. "With New Year’s Eve around the corner, now is the perfect time to take a moment to reflect on the year, make New Year’s resolutions to finally kick those bad habits goodbye, and focus on changes to help you live a healthier life without breaking the bank," the mind-body expert suggests.

Eat locally and seasonally

You can save money while improving your diet by eating locally sourced foods that are in season. "It’s no secret that you are what you eat, and fresh items are much healthier for you than processed, boxed meals," says Carrington, who is also the creator of Maty's Healthy Products, a line of all natural, gluten-free products for immune support. "If you go to your local supermarket, buying all organic products will cost you a fortune. Instead, visit your local farmers markets, which are loaded with fresh, seasonal ingredients picked within the last few days, so they're nutrient-rich.  In addition, you're helping out your local farming community."

7 Things you didn't know about your health >>

Have a healthy sweet tooth

It's true: White flour runs rampant in most processed baked goods you get at the supermarket. Instead of perpetuating a sweet tooth that leads to bingeing, Carrington recommends ditching the processed white flour sweets. "White flour is notorious for spiking your blood sugar levels" she explains, and has had much of the vitamins and nutrients destroyed in the refining process. "Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth and bake your favorite treats with soy flour, which is loaded with protein and fiber, is sodium-free and even has an added bonus of iron, thiamine and potassium." You can find soy flour at your local health food store and Carrington assures that your family and friends won’t taste the difference.

In addition, while you're making your own desserts, Carrington recommends swapping out sugar for natural sweeteners like xylitol and stevia to help keep your blood sugar under control and cut calories.

Sweeteners that make you fat >>

Fight off the sniffles

Carrington knows that the end of the year is when everyone around you is coughing up a lung or has a serious case of the sniffles. But that doesn't mean you have to turn to over-the-counter medications if you happen to catch a cold or flu bug. The holistic health expert recommends investing in smart medicine. "Many cough syrups are loaded with codeine, which might help your cold, but will negatively affect your sleep in the long run. Plus, many contain questionable ingredients," she explains. "Try natural remedies," she advises, such as Maty’s all-natural cough syrup, which contains buckwheat honey, apple cider vinegar and zinc, and can be mixed into your daily cup of tea. And it will fit into your budget -- it costs less than $10 and will last several months.

10 Tasty ways to boost your immune system >>

Get a green thumb

There's no question that fresh herbs can deliciously boost the flavor of a meal, but buying them from the grocery store can be very expensive, and they don't last long. Carrington suggests growing your own. "Visit your local art supply store and purchase a few small pots for planting," she says. "Fresh herbs will look great sitting on your kitchen windowsill, and the best part is that they won't go bad." Having pots of fresh herbs in your kitchen means you can snip whatever amount of greens you need and the plant will continue to thrive.

Tips for growing your own herbs >>

Exercise on a budget

Gym memberships are a large monthly expense, and a waste of money if you aren't actually going there to work out. Carrington recommends doing a variety of workouts that don't cost much. "Many cities are now offering free exercise classes outdoors, and you can check out fitness DVDs and books at your local library," says the naturopath. You can exercise outside and in your own home for free, but if you find that you are more likely to stick to your fitness routine at a gym, get a budget membership, skip the expensive classes and personal training, and make sure you actually use your membership.

Get a fast full-body workout at home >>

More healthy holiday tips

Tasty alternatives to the unhealthiest holiday foods
Holiday diet tips to keep you trim
Top 5 tips to eat less this holiday season

10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness/articles/849393/how-to-stay-healthy-on-a-budget-in-the-new-year
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Dokter Pribadi: Nunun masih Dalam Tahap Pengobatan

Dokter Pribadi: Nunun masih Dalam Tahap Pengobatan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Tersangka kasus suap cek pelawat Nunun Nurbaeti, Sabtu (10/12), tiba di kantor Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) setelah ditangkap di Bangkok, Thailand. Dokter pribadi menilai Nunun ditangkap...

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/umum/11/12/10/lvzpei-dokter-pribadi-nunun-masih-dalam-tahap-pengobatan
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Puluhan Personel Amankan Kedatangan Nunun ke KPK

Puluhan Personel Amankan Kedatangan Nunun ke KPK

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Puluhan personil Polisi dikerahkan untuk menyambut kedatangan tersangka kasus suap cek pelawat Nunun Nurbaeti ke kantor Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Jakarta. "Sekitar 50an, gabungan dari polres...

Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/hukum/11/12/10/lvzpnh-puluhan-personel-amankan-kedatangan-nunun-ke-kpk
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Fitness gift guide for runners

Fitness gift guide for runners

The runner on your holiday gift list will appreciate anything that helps her run faster, go farther, and look good doing it.These fitness gifts fit the bill.

Holiday gift guide

Injinji Performance Toesocks

Like the popular barefoot running shoes, these socks separate each toe with a thin layer of breathable fabric. The result: fewer blisters, more freedom of movement and less moisture build-up.

Price: $12
Where to get them: www.injinji.com

Injinji Performance Toesocks

BodyGuardz Earjax

For most runners, running without music seems nearly impossible. The caveat: Earphones must be comfortable and secure enough to stay put on vigorous runs. These stylish Earjax do just that.

Price: $20 to $100
Where to get them: www.bodyguardz.com

BodyGuardz Earjax

Stash Wrist Wallets

Running attire provides few options for carrying the essentials. These stylish wrist wallets contain hidden compartments for cash, keys and ID. Choose from animal prints, rhinestones and a host of other fun prints and themes. These also make great stocking stuffers for gym-goers.

Price: $15 and up
Where to get them: miamor.com

Stash Wrist Wallets

BodyMedia FIT Armband

Four sensors in these unique armbands track calories burned, steps taken, levels of physical activity and more. Runners can set activity goals, log daily food intake and track sleep efficiency with the armband's online component.
Price: $149 and up
Where to get them: www.bodymedia.com

BodyMedia FIT Armband

Flashbrite Reflective Stick-On Patches

Running in the dark can be downright dangerous, especially without reflective clothing. Give the gift of safety with these fun, reflective patches . They enable cars to see you from more than 1,000 feet away when in contact with the car's headlights. At this price, you can stick them on shoes, jackets, clothing, even  your four-legged running pal.

Price: $40 in most stores.
Where to get them: Stores listed on their site

Flashbrite Reflective Stick-On Patches


Reading glasses cleverly disguised as headbands will appeal to any runner over 40 -- no one will be the wiser. The stylish Eyebandz keep your hair off your face during runs . When your running friends decide to stop in a restaurant for lunch, you drop your Eyebandz down to read the menu. Push them back up and you're good to go. Genius.

Price: $30
Where to get them: www.eyebandz.net



Staying well-hydrated during a run used to mean stopping for a drink or lugging along a water bottle. These unique water containers strap to your wrists, leaving your arms free. Just fill with water and hit the trail. Swiggies hold 11 ounces of water or sports drink and may be frozen for hot-weather workouts.

Price: $15
Where to get them: www.swiggies.com


Run Pretty Far Armwarmers

Running gets blood flowing to your legs, but keeping your arms warm isn't so easy. These colorful arm warmers keep the chill off your arms during cold weather runs. Plus, the fast-drying Spandex with gripper elastic on the upper arm ensures they stay in place.

Price: $12
Where to get them: www.runprettyfar.com

Run Pretty Far Armwarmers

Happy, healthy holidays!

More gift ideas

The pampering gal's holiday gift guide
10 Fitness gadgets you need for the New Year

The cookbook lover's gift guide

10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness/articles/849245/fitness-gift-guide-for-runners
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The two day excersion began with an early start and you guessed it another bus journey. As the bus climbed the hill out of La Paz the views back down on to this enchanting city with its buildings clinging to the mountain side and the snowy white cap in the background were amazing. I dont know how the buildings dont fall off.We arrived at a river edge and were told to get off the bus and cl

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Source: http://www.travelblog.org/Europe/Spain/blog-670735.html
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Source: http://debuk.com/Olahraga/Diego-Michiels-3
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Jakarta-Aktris cantik Natasha Dewanti mengaku jenuh dengan peran protagonis yang selama ia lakoni. Sebaliknya, ia merasa tertantang untuk melakoni peran antagonis yang dinilainya cukup menguras emosi.

"Sebenarnya jenuh juga, kan selama ini peran aku di sinetron itu selalu yang protagonis, yang kalem, pendiam gitu. Makanya aku mau coba peran baru, peran protagonis," ujarnya saat ditemui di kawasan Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat (9/12).
Ibu dua anak ini menilai peran protagonis juga tak kalah menantang. Bahkan tingkat kesulitannya juga melebihi peran protagonis yang sudah kerap ia lakoni.
"Ternyata peran protagonis itu juga nggak gampang. Walaupun banyak yang bilang tinggal modal marah-marah sama mata melotot aja, tapi naik turunnya emosi itu yang butuh konsentrasi," bebernya.
Lebih lanjut Natasha berharap peran barunya kelak bisa sesukses peran protagonis yang selama ini sudah lekat dengannya.
"Ya mudah-mudahan ini juga bisa berhasil, karena aku memang tertantang untuk mencoba," tukasnya.


noreply@blogger.com (paWitan swEEty) 10 Dec, 2011

Source: http://prince-news.blogspot.com/2011/12/natasha-dewanti-bosan-akting-protagonis.html
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Source: http://www.travelblog.org/Asia/Cambodia/blog-670709.html
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Source: http://www.travelblog.org/Middle-East/Saudi-Arabia/Riyadh/blog-670721.html
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