The trailer for the highly anticipated final installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy was released on Monday.
After the great box office successes of 2005's Batman Begins and The Dark Knight in 2008, the last sequel, opening next summer, is expected to be one of the biggest films of the year.
The first sneak peek at The Dark Knight Rises offers glimpses that, eight years after The Dark Knight, all is still not well in Gotham City.
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The trailer begins with a boy hauntingly singing at a football game and ends with terror engulfing the stadium, hinting at an action-packed spectacle for Gotham City's final fight between good and evil.
Christian Bale returns as Bruce Wayne and his alter ego Batman. Anne Hathaway makes her debut as Selina "Catwoman" Kyle. Tom Hardy will star as the villainous Bane.
In the teaser, we get our first look at Hathaway as a surprisingly intense, nasty Catwoman, purring fighting words about a "storm coming, Mr. Wayne" into Batman's ears.
The wrath of the new Darth Vader-style masked villain Bane is felt as he attacks Gotham City and fights the Caped Crusader.
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There's also an emotional moment between Bruce and his longtime butler Alfred, hinting at the danger Wayne is about to face.
The Dark Knight Rises arrives in theaters July 20, 2012.
Gary Oldman returns as Commissioner Gordon. Michael Caine is back as Alfred. Morgan Freeman reprises his role as Lucius Fox.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard also star.
What do you think of the trailer? Share your thoughts in the Comments Section!
Photo credits: Mr. Blue/
20 Dec, 2011--
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